Subsidy Possibilities

Subsidy Possibilities

Every year, the federal and state governments provide a wide variety of subsidies for industry, commerce and municipalities. We will show you the funding opportunities for your projects and take care of:

  • The application process,
  • The compilation of all necessary documents and
  • Proving the usage of the funding

This is how you get the most out of public subsidies. The most common subsidy programs are briefly presented below.

Bundesförderung für Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz in der Wirtschaft – Zuschuss und Kredit

(Federal funding for energy and resource efficiency in business – grant and loan)

The funding guideline ” Bundesförderung für Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz in der Wirtschaft – Zuschuss und Kredit” was fundamentally amended as of 01.11.2021 and now also includes the topic of resource efficiency. The amendment of the guideline includes an expansion of module 4 to include the funding element resource efficiency and a new module 5 for transformation concepts to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality. In addition, the maximum funding amounts in modules 2 to 4 have been increased. The following is a brief overview of the 5 modules.

Module 1: Cross-sectional technologies / specific individual measures

Here, replacement or new acquisition of highly efficient aggregates is funded.

  • Elektric motors and drives
  • Pumps
  • Ventilatores
  • Compressed air systems and their higher-level control
  • Heat recovery
  • Insulation
  • Frequency converter

The minimum investment volume is € 2,000 (net). The maximum subsidy is € 200,000 with a subsidy rate of up to 40%.

Module 2: Process heat from renewable energies

Here, the replacement or new acquisition of equipment for the provision of heat from subsequent technologies is funded. More than 50 % of their heat must be used in the process.

  • Solar collectors
  • Biomass plants
  • Heat pumps

In addition to the above-mentioned heat generators, the following costs / system components are eligible for funding

  • Heat accumulator
  • Connection of the heat generators to the respective heat sink(s)
  • Substructures for solar collectors and necessary construction measures
  • Measurement and data acquisition systems
  • Planning costs
  • Installation and assembly costs

The maximum subsidy is €15 million per investment project with a subsidy rate of up to 55% of the eligible investment costs.

Module 3: MCR technology, Sensors and energy management software

Here, the acquisition and installation as well as the commissioning of subsequent software and hardware are funded.

  • Software solutions to support energy and environmental management systems
  • Sensor technology for recording energy flows and other relevant data
  • Control engineering for processes and systems

Eligible costs includes:

  • Acquisition and initial licensing of software solutions
  • Acquisition of sensors, transducers, data loggers
  • Instruction and training of staff
  • Incidental costs such as commissioning and cabling as well as the preparation of a system concept by external third parties

The maximum subsidy is €15 million per investment project with a subsidy rate of up to 40% of the eligible investment costs.

Module 4: Energy-related optimization of plants and processes

Here, funding is provided for investment measures to optimize the energy efficiency of processes in order to increase energy and resource efficiency and reduce the use of fossil fuels or CO2-intensive resources. Funding in module 4 is open to all technologies.

  • Process and procedure conversion to efficient technologies of production processes
  • Measures for the use of exhaust heat from processes
  • Measures on systems for heat supply, cooling and ventilation
  • Efficient provision of process heating and cooling
  • Avoidance of energy and resource losses in processes

In addition, costs for the preparation of a savings concept and the implementation and monitoring of the measures by external energy consultants are also funded.

The projects have to lead to a reduction in fossil energy consumption and be planned with an energy savings concept. The payback period must be at least 3 years (not including subsidies).

When applying for module 4, a savings concept must be submitted by an energy consultant listed in the program ” Bundesförderung für Energieberatung für Nichtwohngebäude, Anlagen und Systeme; Modul 1: Energieaudit DIN EN 16247″.

The maximum funding is €15 million per investment project with a funding rate of up to 50% of the eligible investment costs. The funding rate is limited to €500 per ton of CO2 saved per year. For SMEs, a maximum funding rate of €900 per ton of CO2 saved applies.

Module 5: Transformation concepts

Module 5 makes concepts for transforming the company toward greenhouse gas neutrality eligible for funding. Eligible investment costs include:

  • Preparation and certification of a CO2 balance sheet for sites in Germany
  • Consulting costs for the creation and implementation of the concept
  • Cross-company consulting costs in connection with the creation of the transformation concept (for companies in a supply chain)
  • Measurement, data collection and data procurement for the transformation concept (Module 3 is also possible for this)

The maximum grant is €80,000 with a funding rate of up to 60% of eligible costs.

Bundesförderung für Energieberatung für Nichtwohngebäude, Anlagen und Systeme

(Federal funding for energy consulting for nonresidential buildings, facilities, and systems)

The “Energieberatung im Mittelstand“ program expired on 31.12.2020. On 01.01.2021, the ” Bundesförderung für Energieberatung für Nichtwohngebäude, Anlagen und Systeme” came into force. The implementation of an energy audit to analyze the existing energy consumption profile and possible savings measures is now eligible for funding via Module 1 of the new program. In addition to SMEs, non-SMEs, local authorities and non-profit organizations and institutions are also eligible to apply, provided they are not subject to mandatory audits under sections 8 et seq. of the Energy Services Act (EDL-G). Energy audits (module 1), energy consulting for renovation and new construction (module 2) and contracting orientation consulting (module 3) are eligible for funding.

The energy audit is subsidized with 80% of the eligible consulting costs. The maximum subsidy for companies with annual energy costs greater than €10,000 is €6,000; for companies with annual energy costs less than €10,000, the maximum subsidy is limited to €1,200. The subsidy is also available in the form of partial financing.

The program is expected to run until the end of 2024.

Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude

(Federal funding for efficient buildings)

The „Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude (BEG)“ of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) combines the previous programs for promoting energy efficiency in buildings. The BEG aims to trigger investments to increase energy efficiency and the share of renewable energies in energy consumption for heating and cooling in buildings in Germany.

The BEG is divided into the following 3 subprograms:

  • Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – residential buildings (BEG WG)
  • Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – non-residential buildings (BEG NWG)
  • Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – individual measures (BEG EM)

Eligible to apply are:

  • Private individuals and condominium owners’ associations
  • freelance professionals
  • Municipal regional authorities, municipal associations of municipalities and special-purpose associations, as well as legally dependent proprietary companies of municipal regional authorities, insofar as they act for the purpose of providing public services
  • Corporations and institutions under public law, e.g. chambers or associations
  • non-profit organizations, including churches
  • companies, including sole proprietors and municipal companies
  • other legal entities under private law, including housing cooperatives

An overview of eligible measures under the BEG can be found here: Fördermöglichkeiten (BAFA)


Specialized planning and construction support are subsidized at 50% of the eligible costs.

Basically, all measures necessary for the execution and functionality are subsidized. This also includes the material, as well as the professional installation and processing by a specialist company. In the case of a new building, the entire construction costs are also included. However, only external expenses are taken into account.